A Guide to Dependency Injection Flutter & Dart

A Guide to Dependency Injection Flutter & Dart


3 min read

Dependency Injection is a technique widely used in programming and well suited to Android development. This technique makes it possible to have a loosely coupled codebase which creates room for.

  • Code Reusability
  • Ease of Refactoring
  • Ease of Testing

In this article, I will walk you through steps on injecting dependencies in a flutter app. note that we will be using some packages to achieve this.


Installing required packages

  • GeIt (Service Locator)
  • Injectable (Code generator for GetIt)
  • Build runner (Code generator)

After adding these packages our pubspec.yaml file should look like this except if you are using a different package version

Screenshot 2021-10-23 at 22.20.07.png

GetIt This package uses the service locator design pattern to encapsulate the process involved in obtaining a service with a strong abstraction layer.

Think of a service locator as a central registry for services that on request returns a service required to perform a specific task

Injectable This package is a code generator for GetIt

Build Runner This package provides a concrete way of generating files using Dart code.

I will try to make this example as basic as possible so we can all get the concept behind Dependency Injection in flutter.


Implementing GetIt.

Define a global variable for our GetIt instance in a new dart file

Define a top level-function to configure our dependencies then annotate it with @Injectaleinit

Call the Generated func $initGetIt(), or your custom initializer name inside your configure func and pass in the getIt instance.

import 'package:get_it/get_it.dart';
import 'package:injectable/injectable.dart';
import 'injector.config.dart';

final GetIt getIt = GetIt.instance;

// You can customize your initializer name

   initializerName: r'$setUpGetIt', // the default is r'$initGetIt()'  
Future<void> configureInjection() async => $setUpGetIt(getIt);

Call configureInjection() in the top-level main function before running the App.

void main() {  



Registering services.

We can describe services as classes responsible for carrying out specific tasks e.g:

  • Handling user registration.
  • Wrapping a third party service e.g firebase.
  • Writing to local storage e.t.c

We won't be registering services directly, we will work with an abstract class in order to have a level of abstraction

Implementing the abstract service class

abstract class AccountService {
  Future<BaseResponse> login(String email,String password);
  Future<BaseResponse> register(String email,String password,String phoneNumber);
  Future<BaseResponse> lookUpUser(String phoneNumber);

Note: Since we are making use of an abstract class we will have to bind the abstract class to its implementation. to do this we will make use of the "injectable(as: )" annotation.

@injectable(as: AccountService)
 class AccountServiceImpl implements AccountService{
  Future<BaseResponse> login(String email, String password)async{
     // code block to perform operation

 Future<BaseResponse> register(String email, STring password) async {
   // code block to perform operation


class AccountUseCase {
  final AccountService _accountService;


  Future<BaseResponse> login(
      String email,
      String password) async {

    return await _accountService.login(


To register the service above we will have to run the below command.

flutter pub run build_runner build

The above command triggers a code generator that automatically registers our service with the help of injectable which is also a code generator for GetIt

Accessing Services

To access the registered service all you need to do is getIt.get<AccountUseCase>();

And this can be used from anywhere in our codebase.

I hope you enjoyed reading this flutter tutorial, please feel free to leave any comments or feedback on this post!
